Pdf – A List of Piano Techniques in Reharmon Kits 1 to 6
One of my students recently asked me about a piano technique that I taught in the Reharmonization Kits but had difficulty locating which Kit it was in.
So I’ve decided to put together a pdf of all the piano techniques that are taught in the Reharmonization Kits 1 to 6.
Hope this becomes a handy tool for students to locate where the piano techniques are taught as they learn new skills everyday.
Right Click and download:
A List of Piano Techniques and Styles in Reharmonization Kit 1 to Kit 6
Happy Playing in 2011,
Yes, Rosa, this is definitely helpful! To be able to print this out and keep on my desk so we don’t have to hunt thru each kit to find what we are looking for saves a lot of time. There are just so many good techniques in the Reharm series that it’s hard to remember just where everything was so this is really a help.
Thank you,
You are welcome Al. I am glad you find this helpful. With 6 Reharm Kits, this should serve as a good resource for people to find what they want.